The way this study works...

"Space Project Enterprise asks not only what your country can do for NewSpace, but what NewSpace can do for your country!" -- Coyote

YOUR PARTICIPATION IS CRITICAL! The research team will post questions and you comment with your expertise or considered opinions.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vision of Space Project Enterprise

A strong and profitable NewSpace commercial sector enabled, supported, and protected by Government which, in-turn, utilises NewSpace to enhance its security, prestige, and wealth while it blazes new trails.


1 comment:

  1. We want USG to support a robust commercial space sector that in turn assists USG by enhancing American security, prestige, and wealth, correct?

    Then should this instead read (?):

    "A strong and profitable NewSpace commercial sector enabled, supported, and protected by government which, in turn, partners with USG to enhance American security, prestige, and wealth."

    The original seems to imply that USG should bend over backward to help the NewSpace industry without active reciprocation.

    As much as I'm in favor of NewSpace for its own sake, I don't think we should advance the idea that NewSpace's activity alone is worth USG backing. We would be remiss if we advocated unconditional USG support with no appropriate consideration requested.

    Am I reading the original wrong? I think we should make the goal of making American NewSpace a patriotic industry clear.
