The Air Force Space and Cyber Strategy Center is a national PhD-level think tank for space and cyber-related policy, planning, and research.
Headquartered at Air University on Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, the Center employs cloud-based techniques to harness the best minds in the world on topics of critical interest to national decision makers.
The Center and its personnel engage issues and the public with academic freedom in order to investigate and analyse topics fully and to provide unvarnished findings and recommendations to sponsors and national decision makers.
The opinions expressed by the Center and its members are their own and are not official positions or policies of the US Government.
The Director of the Center is Colonel M.V. "Coyote" Smith, PhD, USAF. Coyote has been the director since 1 Sep 2010.
WELCOME! This is the online headquarters for Space Project Enterprise--a joint study conducted by the Air Force Space and Cyber Strategy Center in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, and in collaboration with the Space Frontier Foundation, National Space Society, and Space Studies Institute, and other space advocates. This is an online workshop for brainstorming. Academic freedom ROCKS!
The way this study works...
"Space Project Enterprise asks not only what your country can do for NewSpace, but what NewSpace can do for your country!" -- Coyote